The Global campaign for the prevention of child marriage

Author: Ms. Ksenija Cipek
The Global Campaign for the Prevention of Child Marriage (GCPCM) was launched in March 2019 by Mr. Shahin Gavanji and Ms. Ksenija Cipek, and the primary goal of this Campaign is raising awareness and illuminating people’s minds to address child marriage in the world. The managers of campaign believe that education is a powerful strategy to prevent child marriage in the world.
This Campaign is not a Charity or an NGO, it is just a FREE PROGRAMM available to communities to help spread awareness about child marriage and everyone who joins to this Campaign does on a voluntary basis.
This Campaign has just begun a global project for which is called “195 children messages from 195 countries “and everyone from any country can join freely and work voluntarily.
In the project “195 children messages from 195 countries”, children of the world, are invited to send their drawings and paintings to Campaign.
Children will write their dreams for their future, and, as a united voice in the world to prevent child marriage, they can convey their letters to all by the help of GCPCM.
The Campaign has received letters from children from 39 countries so far and hopes to receive letter from all countries in the world.
All children who send letter become Honorable Lavender Ambassador because children are real Ambassadors of the Campaign!